Кульвелис (фото)


Ученая степень: к.ф.-м.н. (Ph.D.)

Должность: С.н.с.

Телефон: 6396


Список проектов(возможно неполный)

  1. Электрохимические биосенсорные системы на основе проводящих пленок модифицированного оксида графена   18-29-19172 мк
    с 30 октября 2018 г. по 30 октября 2021 г.

  1. Разработка композитных протон-проводящих мембран на основе перфторированных сополимеров и графенов с интеркалированными фуллеренами и наноалмазами   23-23-00129
    с 1 января 2023 г. по 31 декабря 2024 г.

  2. Развитие методов комбинированной нейтронно-синхротронной диагностики для анализа строения композиционных материалов на основе наноуглеродных и полимерных структур   14-23-01015 офи_м
    с 15 сентября 2014 г. по 31 декабря 2016 г.

  3. Фуллерены в терапии нейродегенеративных заболеваний   15-04-99647 А
    с 1 января 2015 г. по 31 декабря 2017 г.

  4. Металлоуглеродные наноструктурированные материалы для биомедицины   18-29-19008 мк
    с 30 октября 2018 г. по 30 октября 2021 г.

  5. Разработка, исследования структуры, проводящих и физико-химических свойств протонопроводящих мембран с наноалмазами   19-03-00249 А
    с 25 декабря 2018 г. по 25 декабря 2021 г.

Список публикаций (возможно неполный)

  1. Vasily T. Lebedev, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Alexandr V. Shvidchenko, Oleg N. Primachenko, Alexei S. Odinokov, Elena A. Marinenko, Alexander I. Kuklin and Oleksandr I. Ivankov
    Electrochemical Properties and Structure of Membranes from Perfluorinated Copolymers Modified with Nanodiamonds
    Membranes vol. 13 N. 11 (ноя 2023)

  2. Alexandr V. Shvidchenko, Alexei S. Odinokov, Oleg N. Primachenko, Iosif V. Gofman, Natalia P. Yevlampieva, Elena A. Marinenko, Vasily T. Lebedev, Alexander I. Kuklin and Yuri V. Kulvelis
    Improving PFSA Membranes Using Sulfonated Nanodiamonds
    Membranes vol. 13 N. 8 (авг 2023)

  3. Olga Bolshakova, Vasily Lebedev, Elena Mikhailova, Olga Zherebyateva, Liliya Aznabaeva, Vladimir Burdakov, Yuri Kulvelis, Natalia Yevlampieva, Andrey Mironov, Igor Miroshnichenko and Svetlana Sarantseva
    Fullerenes on a Nanodiamond Platform Demonstrate Antibacterial Activity with Low Cytotoxicity
    Pharmaceutics vol. 15 N. 7 (июль 2023)

  4. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, M. A. Soroka, O. A. Kyzyma, and A. Ya. Vul
    Structures of Nanodiamonds with Photoactive Modifiers
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 17 N. 1 pp. 7-16 (фев 2023)

  5. Yuri V. Kulvelis, Natalia P. Yevlampieva, Daniil S. Cherechukin, Vasily T. Lebedev, Timur V. Tropin, Eduard V. Fomin, Vladimir G. Zinovyev, and Alexander Ya. Vul
    Effective X-ray Luminescent Hybrid Structures of Nanodiamonds Associated with Metal–organic Scintillators
    Garg, S., Chandra, A. (eds) Photocatalysis for Environmental Remediation and Energy Production. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology pp. 167-208 (май 2023)

  6. Vasily T. Lebedev, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Alexander Ya. Vul, Georgy S. Peters, Mikhail A. Vovk, Vera A. Orlova, Timur V. Tropin, Maria V. Popova, Olga I. Bolshakova, and Eduard V. Fomin
    Modification of Detonation Nanodiamonds with Endofullerenols to Obtain Magnetic Photosensitive Structures for Theranostics
    Garg, S., Chandra, A. (eds) Photocatalysis for Environmental Remediation and Energy Production. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology pp. 3-40 (май 2023)

  7. Alexander M. Panich, Moti Salti, Aleksandr E. Aleksenskii, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Anastasia Chizhikova, Alexander Ya. Vul', Alexander I. Shames
    Suspensions of manganese-grafted nanodiamonds: Preparation, NMR, and MRI study
    Diamond & Related Materials vol. 131 pp. 109591 (янв 2023)

  8. M.K. Rabchinskii, A.D. Trofimuk, A.V. Shvidchenko, M.V. Baidakova, S.I. Pavlov, D.A. Kirilenko, Yu.V. Kulvelis, M.V. Gudkov, K.A. Shiyanova, V.S. Koval, G.S. Peters, V.T. Lebedev, V.P. Melnikov, A.T. Dideikin, P.N. Brunkov
    Influence of the sign of the zeta potential of nanodiamond particles on the morphology of graphene-detonation nanodiamond composites in the form of suspensions and aerogels
    Technical Physics vol. 67 N. 12 pp. 1611-1626 (дек 2022)

  9. Oleg N. Primachenko, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Alexei S. Odinokov, Nadezhda V. Glebova, Anna O. Krasnova, Lev A. Antokolskiy, Andrey A. Nechitailov, Alexander V. Shvidchenko, Iosif V. Gofman, Elena A. Marinenko, Natalia P. Yevlampieva, Vasily T. Lebedev and Alexander I. Kuklin
    New Generation of Compositional Aquivion®-Type Membranes with Nanodiamonds for Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Design and Performance
    Membranes vol. 12 N. 9 pp. 827 (август 2022)

  10. Oleg N. Primachenko, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Elena A. Marinenko, Iosif V. Gofman, Vasily T. Lebedev, Svetlana V. Kononova, Alexander I. Kuklin, Oleksandr I. Ivankov, Dmytro V. Soloviov, Alexis Chenneviere
    Orientational uniaxial stretching of proton conducting perfluorinated membranes
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science vol. 139 N. 21 pp. e52229 (февраль 2022)

  11. Vasily T. Lebedev, Yury V. Kulvelis, Georgiy S. Peters, Olga I. Bolshakova, Svetlana V. Sarantseva, Maria V. Popova & Alexander Ya. Vul
    Complexes of nanodiamonds with Gd-fullerenols for biomedicine
    Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures vol. 30 N. 1 pp. 36-45 (январь 2022)

  12. Vasily T. Lebedev, Gyula Török, Yury V. Kulvelis, Olga I. Bolshkova, Natalia P. Yevlampieva, Marina A. Soroka, Eduard V. Fomin, Alexander Ya Vul, and Seema Garg
    Diamond-based nanostructures with metal-organic molecules
    Soft Materials vol. 20 N. S1 pp. S34-S43 (январь 2022)

  13. Yuri V. Kulvelis, Vasily T. Lebedev, Natalia P. Yevlampieva, Daniil S. Cherechukin, Elena B. Yudina
    Enhancement of Singlet Oxygen Generation of Radachlorin® Conjugated with Polyvinylpyrrolidone and Nanodiamonds in Aqueous Media
    Garg S., Chandra A. (eds) Green Photocatalytic Semiconductors. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology. Springer, Cham. pp. 281-306 (январь 2022)

  14. Vasily T. Lebedev, Gyula Torok, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Marina A. Soroka, Vladimir A. Ganzha, Vera A. Orlova, Eduard V. Fomin, Larisa V. Sharonova, Alexandr V. Shvidchenko
    New Photocatalytic Materials Based on Complexes of Nanodiamonds with Diphthalocyanines of Rare Earth Elements
    Garg S., Chandra A. (eds) Green Photocatalytic Semiconductors. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology. Springer, Cham. pp. 179-208 (январь 2022)

  15. Oleg N. Primachenko, Alexey S. Odinokov, Elena A. Marinenko, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Valerij G. Barabanov, Svetlana V. Kononova
    Influence of sulfonyl fluoride monomers on the mechanism of emulsion copolymerization with the preparation of proton-conducting membrane precursors
    Journal of Fluorine Chemistry vol. 244 pp. 109736 (апрель 2021)

  16. Yu. V. Kulvelis, O. N. Primachenko, I. V. Gofman, A. S. Odinokov, A. V. Shvidchenko, E. B. Yudina, E. А. Marinenko, V. Т. Lebedev, and А. Ya. Vul
    Modification of the mechanism of proton conductivity of the perfluorinated membrane copolymer by nanodiamonds
    Russian Chemical Bulletin, International Edition vol. 70 N. 9 pp. 1713—1717 (сентябрь 2021)

  17. Yu. V. Kulvelis, M. K. Rabchinskii, A. T. Dideikin, A. D. Trofimuk, A. V. Shvidchenko, D. A. Kirilenko, M. V. Gudkov, and A. I. Kuklin
    Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Graphene-Nanodiamond Composites for Biosensor and Electronic Applications
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 15 N. 5 pp. 896–898 (сентябрь 2021)

  18. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, Gy. Torok, O. I. Ivankov, G. A. Polotskaya, L. V. Vinogradova, A. Ya. Vul, O. N. Primachenko, E. A. Marinenko, and A. S. Odinokov
    Structure of Diffusion Polymer Membranes for Molecular and Ionic Transport
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 15 N. 5 pp. 939–946 (сентябрь 2021)

  19. Massimo Rogante, Vasily T. Lebedev, Yury Kulvelis, Alexander Ya. Vul, Valery S. Kozlov & Kir A. Konoplev
    The 20-Year Russian-Italian Scientific Collaboration in Industrial Applications of Neutrons and Prospects on High Flux Reactor “PIK” of Russian National Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
    Neutron News vol. 32 N. 3 pp. 9-15 (сентябрь 2021)

  20. Alexander M. Panich, Moti Salti, Ofer Prager, Evyatar Swissa, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Elena B. Yudina, Alexander E. Aleksenskii, Shaul D. Goren, Alexander Ya. Vul', Alexander I. Shames
    PVP-coated Gd-grafted nanodiamonds as a novel and potentially safer contrast agent for in vivo MRI
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine vol. 86 N. 2 pp. 935-942 (август 2021)

  21. Oleg N. Primachenko, Elena A. Marinenko, Alexey S. Odinokov, Svetlana V. Kononova, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Vasily T. Lebedev
    State of the art and prospects in the development of proton-conducting perfluorinated membranes with short side chains: A review
    Polymers for Advanced Technologies vol. 32 N. 4 pp. 1386–1408 (апрель 2021)

  22. V. Lebedev, Yu. Kulvelis, and V. Runov
    Ordering Mixtures of Diamagnetic and Paramagnetic Fullerenols in Aqueous Solutions in Magnetic Fields
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 14 N. suppl. 1 pp. S134–S139 (октябрь 2020)

  23. O. N. Primachenko, Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. T. Lebedev, A. S. Odinokov, V. Yu. Bayramukov, E. A. Marinenko, I. V. Gofman, A. V. Shvidchenko, A. Ya. Vul, S. S. Ivanchev
    Proton-conducting perfluorinated membrane composites with functionalized nanodiamonds
    Membranes and membrane Technologies vol. 2 N. 1 pp. 1-9 (январь 2020)

  24. Yu. Kulvelis, V. Lebedev, E. Yudina, A. Shvidchenko, A. Aleksenskii, A. Vul, and A. Kuklin
    Structural Studies of Detonation Nanodiamonds with Grafted Metal Ions by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 14 N. suppl. 1 pp. S132–S133 (октябрь 2020)

  25. Vasily T. Lebedev, Yuri V. Kulvelis, Sergey S. Ivanchev, Alexander Ya. Vul, Alexander I. Kuklin, Oleg N. Primachenko, Alexey S. Odinokov
    Neutron studies of the structure and dynamics of molecular and polymer self-assembled systems
    Physica scripta vol. 95 N. 4 pp. 044008 (февраль 2020)

  26. O.V. Tomchuk, M.V.Avdeev, A.T.Dideikin, A.Ya.Vul', A.E.Aleksenskii, D.A.Kirilenko, O.I.Ivankov, D.V.Soloviov, A.I.Kuklin, V.M.Garamus, Yu.V.Kulvelis, V.L.Aksenov, L.A.Bulavin
    Revealing the structure of composite nanodiamond–graphene oxide aqueous dispersions by small-angle scattering
    Diamond and Related Materials vol. 103 pp. 107670 (март 2020)

  27. Yu.V. Kulvelis, O.N. Primachenko, A.S. Odinokov, A.V. Shvidchenko, V.Yu. Bayramukov, I.V. Gofman, V.T. Lebedev, S.S. Ivanchev, A.Ya. Vul, A.I. Kuklin & B. Wu
    Composite proton-conducting membranes with nanodiamonds
    Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures vol. 28 N. 2 pp. 140-146 (февраль 2020)

  28. V.T. Lebedev, Yu.V. Kulvelis, A.S. Voronin, A.V. Komolkin, E.A. Kyzyma, T.V.Tropin, V.M. Garamus
    Mechanisms of supramolecular ordering of water-soluble derivatives of fullerenes in aqueous media
    Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures vol. 28 N. 1 pp. 30-39 (январь 2020)

  29. А.С. Одиноков, О.Н. Примаченко, Н.Н. Шевченко, Е.А. Мариненко, Г.А. Емельянов, Ю.В. Кульвелис, В.Т. Лебедев, С.С. Иванчев, В.Г. Барабанов
    Особенности механизма водно-эмульсионной сополимеризации тетрафторэтилена с перфтор-3-оксапентенсульфонилфторидом
    Химическая промышленность vol. 96 N. 6 pp. 284-288 (декабрь 2019)

  30. M.V. Suyasova, V.T. Lebedev, V.P. Sedov, Yu.V. Kulvelis, A.V. Ievlev, V.I. Chizhik, A.N. Artemiev, A.D. Belyaev
    Proton Spin Relaxation in Aqueous Solutions of Self-assembling Gadolinium Endofullerenols
    Applied Magnetic Resonance vol. 50 N. 10 pp. 1163–1175 (октябрь 2019)

  31. Кульвелис Ю.В, Швидченко А.В., Алексенский А.Е., Юдина Е.Б., Лебедев В.Т., Шестаков М.С., Дидейкин А.Т., Хозяева Л.О., Куклин А.И., Торок Д., Рулев М.И., Вуль А.Я.
    Stabilization of detonation nanodiamonds hydrosol in physiological media with poly(vinylpyrrolidone)
    Diamond & Related Materials vol. 87 pp. 78-89 (август 2018)

  32. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kul’velis, D. N. Orlova, V. V. Shamanin, L. V. Vinogradova
    Structural features of films based on star-shaped fullerene-containing polystyrenes: Small-angle neutron-scattering study
    Polymer Science Series A vol. 58 N. 5 pp. 697 - 709 (сентябрь 2018)

  33. A. Ya. Vul, E. D. Eidelman, A. E. Aleksenskiy, A. V. Shvidchenko, A. T. Dideikin, V. S. Yuferev, V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kul’velis, M. V. Avdeev
    Transition sol-gel in nanodiamond hydrosols
    Carbon vol. 114 pp. 242-249 (апрель 2017)

  34. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. V. Runov, A. A. Szhogina, M. V. Suyasova
    Biocompatible watersoluble endometallofullerenes: peculiarities of selfassembly in aqueous solutions and ordering under an applied magnetic field
    NANOSYSTEMS: PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS vol. 7 N. 1 pp. 22 - 29 (февраль 2016)

  35. Карамов Д.Д., Корнилов В.М., Кульвелис Ю.В., Набиуллин И.Р., Крайкин В.А., Ионова И.А.
    Исследование структуры перспективных полимерных материалов методами малоуглового рассеяния нейтронов и атомно-силовой микроскопии
    Известия Уфимского научного центра РАН N. 1 pp. 13-23 (январь 2016)

  36. V. Lebedev, Yu. Kulvelis, A. Kuklin and A. Vul
    Neutron Study of Multilevel Structures of Diamond Gels
    Condensed Matter vol. 1 N. 1 pp. 10 (декабрь 2016)

  37. Yuri. V. Kulvelis, S. S. Ivanchev, Oleg. N. Primachenko, V. T. Lebedev, Elena. A. Marinenko, Irina. N. Ivanova, Alexander. I. Kuklin, Olexandr. I. Ivankov, Dmitry. V. Soloviov
    Structure and property optimization of perfluorinated short side chain membranes for hydrogen fuel cells using orientational stretching
    RSC Advances vol. 6 N. 110 pp. 108864-108875 (октябрь 2016)

  38. V. M. Kornilov, A. N. Lachinov, D. D. Karamov, I. R. Nabiullin, Yu. V. Kul’velis
    Supramolecular structure of electroactive polymer thin films
    Physics of the Solid State vol. 58 N. 5 pp. 1065 - 1070 (май 2016)

  39. A. Yu. Bilibin, T. M. Shcherbinina, N. V. Girbasova, V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. S. Molchanov, I. M. Zorin
    Colloidal properties of polymerizable counterion surfmers solutions based on alkylamino 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonates in different solvents
    Designed Monomers and Polymers vol. 19 N. 5 pp. 369 - 380 (апрель 2016)

  40. Lebedev V.T., Kulvelis Yu.V., Runov V.V., Sedov V.P., Szhogina A.A.
    Ordering of mixed paramagnetic and diamagnetic fullerenols in aqueous solutions under magnetic field
    Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials vol. 17 N. 7-8 pp. 1193-1197 (август 2015)

  41. A. A. Szhogina, Yu. V. Kul’velis, V. T. Lebedev, V. P. Sedov
    Aggregation of iron-containing fullerenols in aqueous solutions
    Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry vol. 88 N. 12 pp. 2009 - 2014 (декабрь 2015)

  42. M. V. Suyasova, Yu. V. Kul’velis, V. T. Lebedev, V. P. Sedov
    Clustering of gadolinium endofullerenols in aqueous solutions
    Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry vol. 88 N. 11 pp. 1839 - 1847 (ноябрь 2015)

  43. Yu. V. Kulvelis, S. S. Ivanchev, V. T. Lebedev, O. N. Primachenko, V. S. Likhomanov and Gy. Török
    Structure characterization of perfluorosulfonic short side chain polymer membranes
    RSC Advances vol. 5 N. 90 pp. 73820-73826 (август 2015)

  44. Vasily. Lebedev, Yury. Kulvelis, Diana. Orlova, Elena. Krasnopeeva, Valery. Shamanin, Lyudmila. Vinogradova
    Neutron Studies of Composites of Poly(phenylene oxide) Modified by Hybrid Star-Shaped Fullerene-Containing Macromolecules
    Macromolecular Symposia vol. 348 N. 1 pp. 54 - 62 (февраль 2015)

  45. Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. T. Lebedev, S. V. Kononova, and Gy. Török
    Effect of the Fullerene C60 on the Structure of Asymmetric Microporous Membranes Based on Polyamidoimide
    Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 9 N. 1 pp. 6-11 (февраль 2015)

  46. V.T. Lebedev, Yu.V. Kulvelis, D.N. Orlova, E.L. Krasnopeeva, and L.V. Vinogradova
    Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Composites Based on Poly(phenylene oxide) Modified with Hybrid Starlike Fullerene-Containing Macromolecules
    Polymer Science. Series A vol. 57 N. 1 pp. 76-85 (январь 2015)

  47. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. V. Runov, V. P. Sedov, and A. A. Szhogina
    Polarized-Neutron Scattering in Aqueous Solutions of Fullerenols in a Magnetic Field
    Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 8 N. 5 pp. 1044–1054 (октябрь 2014)

  48. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, D. N. Orlova
    Small-angle neutron scattering in aqueous solutions of fullerene-containing oligopropylene oxides
    Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 8 N. 5 pp. 1055 - 1062 (сентябрь 2014)

  49. Yu.V. Kulvelis, S.V. Kononova, K.A. Romashkova, V.T. Lebedev,
    Structure of phase-inversion membranes from small-angle neutron scattering data
    Physics of the Solid State vol. 56 N. 1 pp. 86-90 (январь 2014)

  50. В. Бахметьев В. Сычев А. Орлова Е. Потанин А. Совестнов Ю. Кульвелис
    Нанолюминофоры для рентгенофотодинамической терапии онкологических заболеваний
    Наноиндустрия N. 8 pp. 46-50 (декабрь 2013)

  51. В.В. Бахметьев, М.М. Сычев, С.П. Богданов, О.В. Володина, Л.П. Мезенцева, А.В. Осипов, А.И. Орлова, Н.В. Маланина, В.Т. Лебедев, А.Е. Совестнов, А.Е. Соколов, Ю.В. Кульвелис, Т.С. Минакова, И.А. Екимова, Н.С. Еремина
    Разработка новой технологии синтеза и исследование свойств ортофосфатных люминофоров

  52. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kul’velis, D. N. Orlova, E. Yu. Melenevskaya, K. V. Nasonova, L. V. Vinogradova
    Structure formation of fullerene-containing propylene oxide oligomers in deuterium water
    Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry vol. 86 N. 4 pp. 568 - 574 (май 2013)

  53. В.В. Бахметьев, М.М. Сычев, С.П. Богданов, Т.С. Минакова, И.А. Екимова, В.Т. Лебедев, А.Е. Совестнов, А.Е. Соколов, Ю.В. Кульвелис
    Синтез ортофосфатных люминофоров медицинского назначения золь-гель методом

  54. Гельфонд М.Л., Арсеньев А.И., Левченко Е.В., Гельфонд В.М., Мамонтов О.Ю., Моисеенко В.М., Балдуева И.А., Новик А.В., Нехаева Т.Л., Данилова А.Б., Данилов А.О., Сенчик К.Ю., Трунов В.А., Кульвелис Ю.В., Суханова Т.Е.
    Фотодинамическая терапия в комбинированном лечении злокачественных новообразований: настоящее и будущее
    Лазерная медицина vol. 16 N. 2 pp. 25-30 (апрель 2012)

  55. Yu. V. Kul’velis, V. T. Lebedev, V. A. Trunov, O. N. Primachenko, S. Ya. Khaikin, D. Torok, S. S. Ivanchev
    Effect of preparation conditions on nanostructural features of the NAFION® type perfluorinated proton conducting membranes
    Petroleum Chemistry vol. 52 N. 8 pp. 565 - 570 (декабрь 2012)

  56. S. S. Ivanchev, V. S. Likhomanov, O. N. Primachenko, S. Ya. Khaikin, V. G. Barabanov, V. V. Kornilov, A. S. Odinokov, Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. T. Lebedev, V. A. Trunov
    Scientific principles of a new process for manufacturing perfluorinated polymer electrolytes for fuel cells
    Petroleum Chemistry vol. 52 N. 7 pp. 453 - 461 (ноябрь 2012)

  57. Yu. V. Kul’velis, V. T. Lebedev, V. A. Trunov, S. S. Ivanchev, O. N. Primanchenko, S. Ya. Khaikin
    Investigation of polymer hydrogels with memory effect for cefazolin immobilization by small-angle neutron scattering
    Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 6 N. 5 pp. 825 - 832 (сентябрь 2012)

  58. Sychov M.M., Ogurtsov K.A., Lebedev V.T., Kulvelis Yu.V., Török G., Sokolov A.E., Trunov V.A., Bakhmetyev V.V., Kotomin A.A., Dushenok S.A., Kozlov A.S.
    Effect of the Cu content and ZnS treatment on the characteristics of synthesized ZnS:(Cu, Cl) electroluminescent phosphors
    Semiconductors vol. 46 N. 5 pp. 696-700 (май 2012)

  59. Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. T. Lebedev, V. A. Trunov, V. N. Pavlyuchenko, S. S. Ivanchev, O. N. Primachenko, S. Ya. Khaikin
    Small-angle neutron scattering from polymer hydrogels with memory effect for medicine immobilization
    Crystallography Reports vol. 56 N. 7 pp. 1114 - 1117 (ноябрь 2011)

  60. V. N. Pavlyuchenko, S. S. Ivanchev, O. N. Primachenko, S. Ya. Khaikin, V. F. Danilichev, V. S. Proshina, V. A. Trunov, V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kul’velis
    Polymer hydrogels with the memory effect for immobilization of drugs
    Polymer Science Series A vol. 53 N. 4 pp. 323 - 335 (апрель 2011)

  61. Yu. V. Kul’velis, V. T. Lebedev, V. A. Trunov, I. N. Ivanova, D. Török
    Structure of Complexes of Sulphuretted Tetraphenylporphine with Poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone According to the Data of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
    Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 5 N. 1 pp. 113-119 (февраль 2011)

  62. V. T. Lebedev, Yu. V. Kulvelis, Gy. Török
    Dynamics of Water in Binary and Ternary Solutions of DNA and Porphyrins
    Physics of the Solid State vol. 52 N. 5 pp. 1074-1079 (май 2010)

  63. Yu. V. Kulvelis, V. A. Trounov, V. T. Lebedev, D. N. Orlova, Gy. Török, M. L. Gelfond
    Structure of magnetically guided nanocarriers of the Photodithazine sensitizer from small-angle neutron scattering data
    Physics of the Solid State vol. 52 N. 5 pp. 1040-1044 (май 2010)

  64. Yu.V. Kulvelis, V.A. Trunov, V.T. Lebedev, D.N. Orlova, D. Torok, M.L. Gelfond
    Complexes of ferromagnetic fluids with photoditazin and their promising applications in photodynamic therapy
    Journal of Structural Chemistry vol. 50 N. 5 pp. 949-953 (октябрь 2009)

  65. Yu.V. Kulvelis, V.A. Trounov, V.T. Lebedev, D.N. Orlova, M.L. Gelfond
    Synthesis and structural investigation of ferrofluids with porphyrins and prospects of their application in photodynamic therapy
    Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques vol. 3 N. 3 pp. 379-386 (июнь 2009)

  66. Yu.V. Kulvelis, V.T. Lebedev, Gy. Török, V.V. Klyubin
    Complexes of Poly-N-Vinylpyrrolidone with Silfonated Tetraphenylporphins
    Crystallography Reports vol. 52 N. 3 pp. 492-495 (май 2007)

  67. Yu.V. Kulvelis, V.T. Lebedev, D. Torok, A.B. Melnikov
    Structure of the water-salt solutions of DNA with sulfonated scandium diphthalocyanine
    Journal of Structural Chemistry vol. 48 N. 4 pp. 740-746 (июль 2007)

  68. Sibileva M.A., Kul’velis Yu.V., Sibilev A.I., Moskalev P.N.
    Complexes of sulfonated lutecium and scandium diphthalocyanines with poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) and DNA
    Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry vol. 79 N. S1 pp. S60-S65 (янв 2005)
