Clustering of gadolinium endofullerenols in aqueous solutions

M. V. Suyasova, Yu. V. Kul’velis, V. T. Lebedev, V. P. Sedov
Год публикации:
Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry N 11 vol. 88 1839 - 1847
Ключевые слова:
Fullerene, Aggregation Number, Acetate Buffer Solution, Correlation Radius

Nature of structuring of aqueous solutions of paramagnetic endofullerenols Gd@Cn(OH)38–40 was determined in relation to the concentration and pH factor from small-angle neutron scattering, viscometric, and conductometric data . Molecular fractal clusters of the type of branched polymers were found, with their correlation radius being about 20 nm and aggregation numbers reaching a value of 104. The clusterized systems obtained are promising as a basis for MRI-contrasting agents and other biomedical preparations for diagnostics and therapy.
