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Список проектов(возможно неполный)
Еще не добавлено ни одного проекта с участием этого сотрудника.
Список публикаций (возможно неполный)
Nhan Hau Tran, Vyacheslav Ryzhov , Andrey Volnitskiy , Dmitry Amerkanov 3, Fedor Pack, Aleksander M Golubev , Alexandr Arutyunyan , Anastasiia Spitsyna, Vladimir Burdakov , Dmitry Lebedev , Andrey L Konevega , Tatiana Shtam , Yaroslav Marchenko
Radiosensitizing Effect of Dextran-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Malignant Glioma Cells
Int J Mol Sci . vol. 20 N. 24 pp. 15150 (10 2023)
Nascimento A.S., Muniz J.R., Aparício R., Golubev A.M., Polikarpov I.
Insights into the structure and function of fungal β-mannosidases from glycoside hydrolase family 2 based on multiple crystal structures of the Trichoderma harzianum enzyme
FEBS Journal vol. 281 N. 18 pp. 4165-4178 (2014)
Tonelotto M., Pirota R.D., Delabona P.S., Barros G.O., Golubev A.M., Polikarpov I., Farinas C.S.
Isolation and characterization of a β-galactosidase from a new Amazon forest strain of Aspergillus niger as a potential accessory enzyme for biomass conversion
Biocatalysis and Biotransformation vol. 32 pp. 13-22 (2014)
Бобров, К.С., Борисова, А.С., Голубев, А.М., Рычков, Г.Н., Кульминская, А.А., Шабалин, К.А., Энейская, Е.В.
Альфа-Д-галактозидазы, обладающие измененной региоспецифичностью, и способ их получения.
Патент RU2507260C2 vol. - N. - pp. - (02 2014)
Bleicher L., Prates E.T., Gomes T.C., Silveira R.L., Nascimento A.S., Rojas A.L., Golubev A., Martínez L., Skaf M.S., Polikarpov I.
Molecular basis of the thermostability and thermophilicity of laminarinases: X-ray structure of the hyperthermostable laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus and molecular dynamics simulations.
J Phys Chem B vol. 115 N. 24 pp. 7940-7949 (2011)
Golubev A.M., Rojas A.L., Nascimento A.S., Bleicher L., Kulminskaya A.A., Eneyskaya E.V., Polikarpov I.
Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus: a case of pseudomerohedral twinning.
Protein Peptide Letters vol. 15 N. 10 pp. 1142-1144 (2008)
Nascimento A.S., Krauchenco S., Golubev A.M., Gustchina A., Wlodawer A., Polikarpov I.
Statistical coupling analysis of aspartic proteinases based on crystal structures of the Trichoderma reesei enzyme and its complex with pepstatin A
J Mol Biol vol. 382 N. 3 pp. 763-778 (2008)
Kim K.Y., Nascimento A.S., Golubev A.M., Polikarpov I., Kim C.S., Kang S.I., Kim S.I.
Catalytic mechanism of inulinase from Arthrobacter sp. S37
Biochem Biophys Res Commun vol. 371 N. 4 pp. 600-605 (2008)
Neustroev K.N., Golubev A.M., Sinnott M.L., Borriss R., Krah M., Brumer H. 3rd, Eneyskaya E.V., Shishlyannikov S., Shabalin K.A., Peshechonov V.T., Korolev V.G., Kulminskaya A.A.
Transferase and hydrolytic activities of the laminarinase from Rhodothermus marinus and its M133A, M133C, and M133W mutants.
Glycoconj J vol. 23 N. 7-8 pp. 501-511 (2006)
Nagem R.A., Ambrosio A.L., Rojas A.L., Navarro M.V., Golubev A.M., Garratt R.C., Polikarpov I.
Getting the most out of X-ray home source
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr vol. 61 N. 8 pp. 1022-1030 (2005)
Nagem R.A., Rojas A.L., Golubev A.M., Korneeva O.S., Eneyskaya E.V., Kulminskaya A.A., Neustroev K.N., Polikarpov I.
Crystal structure of exo-inulinase from Aspergillus awamori: the enzyme fold and structural determinants of substrate recognition.
J Mol Biol vol. 344 N. 2 pp. 471-480 (2004)
Rojas A.L., Nagem R.A., Neustroev K.N., Arand M., Adamska M., Eneyskaya E.V., Kulminskaya A.A., Garratt R.C., Golubev A.M., Polikarpov I.
Crystal structures of beta-galactosidase from Penicillium sp. and its complex with galactose.
J Mol Biol vol. 343 N. 5 pp. 1281-1292 (2004)
Golubev A.M., Nagem R.A., Brandão Neto J.R., Neustroev K.N., Eneyskaya E.V., Kulminskaya A.A., Shabalin K.A., Savel'ev A.N., Polikarpov I.
Crystal structure of alpha-galactosidase from Trichoderma reesei and its complex with galactose: implications for catalytic mechanism
J Mol Biol vol. 339 N. 2 pp. 413-422 (2004)
Aparicio, R., Eneiskaya, E.V., Kulminskaya, A.A., Savel'ev, A.N., Golubev, A.M., Neustroev, K.N., Kobarg, J., Polikarpov, I.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of beta-mannosidase from Trichoderma reesei.
Acta Cryst. D vol. 56 pp. 342-343 (1 2000)
Kuser, P.R., Golubev, A.M., Polikarpov, I.
Crystallization and preliminary crystal analysis of yeast hexokinase PI and PII.
Acta Cryst. D vol. 55 pp. 2047-2048 (1 1999)
Polikarpov, I., Golubev, A.M., Perles, L.A., Pando, S.C., Novello, J.C., Marangoni, C.
Purification, crystallisation and crystallographic study of the trypsin inhibitor from seeds of Delonix regia
Acta Cryst. D vol. 55 pp. 1611-1613 (1 1999)
Golubev A.M., Lee, W.H., Marangoni, S., Novello, J.C., Oliveira, B., Toyama, M.H., Polikarpov, I.
Crystallisation and preliminary diffraction data of neurotoxin Ts-gamma from the venom of scorpion Titus serrulatus.
Acta Cryst. D vol. 54 pp. 1440-1441 (1 1998)
Golubev A.M., Lee W., Marangoni S., Novello J.C., Oliveira B., Toyama M.H., Polikarpov I.
Crystallization and preliminary diffraction data of neurotoxin Ts-gamma from the venom of the scorpion Tityus serrulatus.
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr vol. 54 pp. 1440-1441 (1998)
Aleshin, A.E., Golubev, A.M., Firsov, L.M. Honzatko, R.B.
Crystal structure of glucoamylase from Aspergillus awamori Var. X100 to 2.2-A resolution.
J.Biol.Chem. vol. 267 pp. 19291-19299 (2 1992)
Golubev, A.M., Neustroev, K.N., Aleshin, A.E. Firsov, L.M.
Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of minor glucoamylase from Aspergillus awamori X100/D27
J. Mol. Biol. vol. 226 (01 1992)
Даровских, А.Н., Франк-Каменецкая , О.В., Фундаменский, В.С., Голубев, А.М.
Кристаллическая и молекулярная структура дифталоцианина лютеция (гамма-фаза).
Кристаллография vol. 31 N. 2 pp. 279-285 (01 1986)