The reflectometer PNR is located at the end of NG-2u at beamline 8 and is supplied with cold neutrons. A neutron velocity selector allows to select the neutron wavelength with a resolution of 5%(fig.1).
Fig.1: The Reflectometer for polarised neutrons (PNR) |
Optionally, experiments at PNR can be carried out with both polarised and non-polarised neutrons. Currently a set of reflecting supermirrors is used as a polariser.
In the subsequent neutron-optical system the neutrons are guided directly to the sample. A variable slit system collimates the neutron beam. At the sample stage, a linear and turning table are provided on which any kind of sample holder can be mounted.
For experiments with polarised neutrons spin analysis can be carried out using an analyser positioned in front of the detector. Two HF-flippers, located in front of and behind the sample, allow spin reversal. A 2-dimensional position-sensitive 3He-area-detector is available.