Hydrodynamics of the physical vacuum: I. Scalar quantum sector

Sbitnev V. I.
Авторы из ОИКС:
Год публикации:
Found. Phys. N 5 vol. 46 606-619

Physical vacuum is a special superfluid medium. Its motion is described by the Navier-Stokes equation having two slightly modified terms that relate to internal forces. They are the pressure gradient and the dissipation force because of viscosity. The modifications are as follows: (a)~the pressure gradient contains an added term describing the pressure multiplied by the entropy gradient; (b)~time-averaged viscosity is zero, but its variance is not zero. Owing to these modifications, the Navier-Stokes equation can be reduced to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation describing behavior of a particle into the vacuum, which looks like a superfluid medium populated by enormous amount of virtual particle-antiparticle pairs.
