Hydrodynamics of Superfluid Quantum Space: de Broglie interpretation of the quantum mechanics

Sbitnev V. I.
Authors from CMD:
The year of the publication:
Quantum Stud.: Math. Found. N 2 vol. 5 257-271

The ubiquitous ether coming from the ancient times up to middle of the twentieth century is replaced by a superfluid quantum space. It represents by itself a Bose–Einstein condensate consisting of enormous amount of virtual particle–antiparticle pairs emerging and disappearing in an infinitely ongoing dance. Flow of this medium in the non-relativistic limit is described by the modified Navier–Stokes equation along with the continuity equation. The first equation admits the splitting to two coupled equations. They are the quantum Hamilton–Jacobi equation and the equation for vorticity. The quantum Hamilton–Jacobi equation paired with the continuity equation can be reduced to the Schr?dinger equation. These two equations representing the kernel of the Bohmian mechanics give finding bundle of the Bohmian trajectories; whereas, the vorticity equation gives solutions for vortices moving along such trajectories. As the result, we come to the de Broglie’s interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which there is a pilot-wave guiding the particle (in our case it is a vortex clot) from a source up to its detection along an optimal path that is the Bohmian trajectory.

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