Sequential magnetic switching in Fe/MgO(001) superlattices
F. Magnus, T. Warnatz, G. K. Palsson, A. Devishvili, V. Ukleev, J. Palisaitis, P. O. Å. Persson, and B. Hjörvarsson
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Phys. Rev. B
N 97
Polarized neutron reflectometry is used to determine the sequence of magnetic switching in interlayer exchange coupled Fe/MgO(001) superlattices in an applied magnetic field. For 19.6 Å thick MgO layers we obtain a 90∘ periodic magnetic alignment between adjacent Fe layers at remanence. In an increasing applied field the top layer switches first followed by its second-nearest neighbor. For 16.4 Å MgO layers, a 180∘ periodic alignment is obtained at remanence and with increasing applied field the layer switching starts from the two outermost layers and proceeds inwards. This sequential tuneable switching opens up the possibility of designing three-dimensional magnetic structures with a predefined discrete switching sequence.