Magnetic phase separation and unusual scenario of its temperature evolution in porous carbon-based nanomaterials doped with Au and Co

V.A. Ryzhov, A.V. Lashkul, V.V. Matveev, P.L. Molkanov, A.I. Kurbakov, I.A. Kiselev, K.G. Lisunov, D. Galimov, E. Lähderanta
Authors from CMD:
The year of the publication:
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials N 445 84–94

Two porous glassy carbon-based samples doped with Au and Co were investigated. The magnetizationstudy as well as measurements of the nonlinear longitudinal response to a weakacfield (NLR) and electron magnetic resonance give evidences for a presence of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) embedded inparamagnetic/ferromagnetic matrix respectively, both samples being in magnetically phase-separatedstate at temperatures above 300 K. Matrix, forming by paramagnetic centers located in matrix outsidethe MNPs, reveals exchange interactions providing its ferromagnetic (FM) ordering below TC≈210K in Au-doped sample and well above 350K in Co-doped one. For the former, NLR data suggest a percolation character of the matrix long-range FM order, which is mainly caused by a porous amorphous samplestructure. Temperature dependence of the magnetization in the Au-doped sample evidences presence ofantiferromagnetic (AF) interactions of MNPs with surrounding matrix centers. At magnetic orderingbelow TC these interactions promote origination of ‘‘domains” involving matrix fragment and surrounding MNPs with near opposite orientation of their moments that decreases the magnetostatic energy. Onfurther cooling, the domains exhibit AF ordering below Tcr~140K<TC, resulting in formation of a peculiar ‘‘ferrimagnet”. The porous amorphous structure leads to absence of translational and other symmetryfeatures through the samples that allows canted ordering of magnetic moments in domains and in wholesample providing ‘‘canted ferrimagnetism”. At low temperatures Ttr~3K, ‘‘order-oder” transition, evidencing the non-Heisenberg character of this magnetic material, occurs from ordering like ‘‘canted ferrimagnet” to FM alignment, which is stimulated by external magnetic field. The data for Co-doped sampleimply the similar evolution of magnetic state but at higher temperatures above 350K. This state exhibitsmore homogeneous arrangement of the FM nanoparticles and the FM matrix.Order-ordertransitionoccurs in it at higher Ttr~(10–15)K as well and followed by formation of long-range FM ordering foundearlier by neutron diffraction. Doping of carbon-based nanomaterials by magnetic metals providesadvantages for their possible practical applications as Co-doped sample with higher TC(>350K) andlarger remanent magnetization evidences.

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