Fabrication of Artificial Opals by Electric-Field-Assisted Vertical Deposition

K.S. Napolskii, N.A. Sapoletova, D.F. Gorozhankin, A.A. Eliseev, D.Yu. Chernyshov, D.V. Byelov, N.A. Grigoryeva, A.A. Mistonov, W.G. Bouwman, K.O. Kvashnina, A.V. Lukashin, A.A. Snigirev, A.V. Vassilieva, S.V. Grigoriev, A.V. Petukhov
Authors from CMD:
The year of the publication:
Langmuir N 4 vol. 26 2346–2351

We present a new technique for large-scale fabrication of colloidal crystals with controllable quality and thickness. The method is based on vertical deposition in the presence of a DC electric field normal to the conducting substrate. The crystal structure and quality are quantitatively characterized by microradian X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and optical reflectometry. Attraction between the charged colloidal spheres and the substrate promotes growth of thicker crystalline films, while the best-quality crystals are formed in the presence of repulsion. Highly ordered thick crystalline layers with a small amount of stacking faults and a low mosaic spread can be obtained by optimizing the growth conditions.

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